Lisse The Netherlands Travel & Fashion

Lisse | How to make drone shots of a model in the tulip fields

VLOG: How to make drone shots of a model in the tulip fields

Watch my VLOG video here:

In today’s VLOG video: I am going to Lisse to see if I can still make drone shots of the tulip fields, since it’s already mid-May and the tulip season is almost over. While there were still some beautiful tulips, you can see me making drone shots of a model in the tulip fields.

In my previous posting, I wrote extensively about the Dutch tulip fields in Lisse, how the tulips came to the Netherlands and Tulip Mania. You can read my post here by clicking on this link: Dutch Tulip Fields

Scenes in my VLOG video:

In the train.

It was on a beautiful evening in mid-May, when I was on my way home.
Sitting in an empty compartment in the train.

I was in deep thoughts, until I looked outside the window.
My attention was caught by the beautiful sunset.

I got up and changed my seat to the window-side seat,
to have a better view and enjoy the sight.

Then I saw in a far distance, that there were still some colourful fields in the landscape.
Tulip fields? There were still tulip fields now?

I was wondering if I could make drone shots of the tulip fields and if I wasn’t too late.
I had to see it with my own eyes.

The next day.
In the bus.

This is how empty the tulip fields in Lisse looked like at this day.
Compared to the colourful tulip fields one month ago, at the same place.

I stayed on the bus and got off in Hillegom.
This is what I saw:

This was a no-fly zone for drones, so I went back to Lisse.
After playing with the Dandelion fluff.

As you can see in my VLOG video, there were no tulip fields in Lisse anymore. At first I wanted to home or go somewhere else, like the beach, to make drone shots there. Then I decided to stay in Lisse and make drone shots of the empty tulip fields, and see how that would look like from the air. I was there anyway. There was enough space and it was also a good opportunity to practise flying with my drone.

When I was walking to the empty fields with no tulips, and got to the place where I originally wanted to take my drone shots, the road ahead captured my eyes. I decided to walk a little bit further, not knowing what I would see there.

This is what I saw: Tulip fields! Endless rows of colourful tulip fields!
I thought I was dreaming, but my eyes didn’t lie. This would be a fantastic place to fly my DJI mini 2 drone. The tulip fields were almost empty without people and not a single other object seen in the sky. The only person that I saw was standing halfway the tulip fields on the right side of me. A beautiful young lady with blond hair, wearing a white dress, holding some colourful tulips in her hands, making fashionable shots of herself with her camera standing on a tripod.

When I took out my drone platform, the lady said that I was even more professional than herself. She mistook my drone platform for a photography light reflector, to bounce off the light when shooting portraits. I wasn’t going to do a fashion shoot, but the drone shots that I made were fantastic!

The lady introduced herself as Annemieke. What a coincidence that we were both at the tulip fields at that moment. For a long time, Annemieke had been dreaming of somebody making drone shots of her, while she was walking in the tulip fields. She also dreamed of having her own drone.

There was another time not so long ago, that Annemieke was at the tulip fields, when she saw a guy taking drone shots of the tulip fields. She almost asked him if he wanted to take drone shots of her, even willing to pay money for it, but she didn’t dare to ask him. And now I was standing there, another time, same situation, but this time Annemieke dared to ask me. Ofcourse I wanted to make drone shots of her, with all my pleasure!
So funny to realise that you can make a persons dream come true. Never thought about that before.

Marieke exactly knew what drone shots she wanted. She showed me a short video on her phone with an example of a woman walking in a field of flowers, while beautiful drone shots were taken of her. That video was awesome! I really liked it. But could I do the same? Annemieke was already full of joy and excitement, thanking me for making drone shots of her, but I had to temper her a bit so as not to create too high expectations. We had a challenge!
I can do this, I thought. And I love challenges so let’s give it a shot!

I made several drone shots while Annemieke was walking in the tulip fields. It was so cool!
Annemieke looked great, she is such a natural.
You can see the results in my VLOG video here:

Some drone shots that I took of Annemieke:

  • Coming into shot – Annemieke walks into the drone shot
  • Orbit shot – The drone rotates around Annemieke
  • Tracking shot – The drone follows Marieke while she is walking
  • Full body shot – Annemieke is in the drone shot from head to toe
  • Flying over shot – The drone flies over Annemieke
  • Walk out of frame shot – Annemieke walks out of the drone shot
  • Crane shot – The drone flies down while making the drone shots of Annemieke

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